calendar-with-clock-icon-uc-santa-barbara Thursday, November 3rd, 2022 3:00pm - 4:00pm

Join us for a bi-weeky book club dedicated to continuing the discussion on reproductive rights in a Post-Roe era. This quarter we will be reading "Controlling Women: What We Must Do Now To Save Reproductive Freedom" by Kathryn Kolbert and Julie F. Kay.
This event will be in conversation with various other events the Women's Center will be providing this quarter in order to continue strategizing and educating ourselves in the fight for reproductive freedom. Please see our Shoreline for those other events!

The first 10 people to register on Shoreline will receive a free copy of her book! Our first meeting will be dedicated to picking up the book, a general discussion with no previous reading required, and a plan of action for the quarter. The first 10 people to register on Shoreline will receive a free copy of the book!